Building Authority

Building Operations Section

DBA Building Operations Section provides for maintenance and operation for any buildings, structures, or grounds that are owned, leased, or managed by the DBA.  DBA’s building portfolio currently consists of approximately 1.5 million square feet of office facilities in Little Rock and Fort Smith, Arkansas.  

Our goal is to provide tenants in our facilities outstanding customer service and professional and timely completion of requested work orders.

If you are a tenant in one of our managed facilities, you can submit a maintenance work order request through this link: [email protected] or by calling 501-324-9291 (outside of central Arkansas call 800-303-1953). Please provide as much detail as possible including the location (building, floor and suite number), nature of the request (leaking faucet, hallway light fixture not working), identify the urgency of the situation; routine, urgent, emergency, and provide your name/contact information. We will respond to you as quickly as we can.

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