

Amazon Business for the state of Arkansas provides a statewide business account available to:

  • Agency Boards
  • Commissions
  • Higher Education Institutions
  • School Districts
  • Local Government Agencies
  • Office of Elected Officials


  • Fast and free shipping options (without paying for Amazon Prime memberships)
  • Business pricing and quantity discounts on select items
  • Business – optimized search and browse functionality
  • Enhanced reporting and reconciliation
  • Access to millions of products



If you are an authorized user for an Arkansas State agency, board, commission, higher education, school district, or local municipality and would like to enroll your organization in the Arkansas State Business Account, please contact the state administrators Darlene Hicks at [email protected].

If you have received an email invitation from Amazon Business, accept the invitation to get started. Note: Invitations expire after 21 days.

If you have an existing Prime Membership associated with your Arkansas State email address, please cancel the subscription. You will get the same benefits with Amazon Business, at no cost to the state.

Our goal is to eliminate the use of personal Amazon Prime subscriptions linked to government purchases to reduce the risk of fraud and ethics violations.

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