
Vendor Performance Report (VPR)

ACA § 19-11-268 

  • (a)(1) A state agency shall report a vendor’s performance under a contract executed under this chapter if the vendor fails to satisfy the performance-based standards in the contract in a manner that represents a material deviation.
    • (2) A state agency shall use the form prescribed by the State Procurement Director and approved by the Legislative Council or, if the General Assembly is in session, the Joint Budget Committee, to report a vendor’s performance under this section.
  • (b) The report required under this section shall be:
    • (1) Filed with the Office of State Procurement and maintained for a minimum of three (3) years from the termination of the relevant contract, including any extensions and amendments; and
    • (2) Signed by the director of the state agency or his or her designee; and
    • (3) Filed monthly until the vendor has performed satisfactorily under the contract for a period of at least ninety (90) consecutive days.
  • (c) A state agency may report a vendor’s performance in the manner prescribed under this section for any contract that would not require reporting of a vendor’s performance under this section if the state agency encounters an issue with the vendor’s performance of a contract.
  • (d) A state agency may use a vendor performance report submitted under this section to evaluate an offeror to the extent that the past performance of an offeror may be considered under the law and the rules adopted by the office.

Click for information on how to report and other helpful information.

Click for the VPR Glossary, and Rating Categories, and Rating Definitions.

Each VPR must be approved by the agency’s director or his/her designated staff.

When to report: 

  • Firm & Term Contracts: Vendor performance reports (VPRs) are required when a vendor fails to satisfy the performance-based standards in the contract in a manner that represents a material deviation. Term contracts are represented in AASIS as Outline Agreements.  Firm contracts are contracts with a fixed delivery and are represented in AASIS by purchase orders.
  • VPRs are not required for Property Leases and Construction Projects.
  • The VPR must be submitted through the VPR portal

Who reports: 

  • All state agencies, as defined in ACA §19-11-203(30)(A), must provide vendor performance reports. 
  • Each VPR must be reviewed by the agency’s director or his/her designee. 


Create VPR Form
VPR Reporting
VPR Agency Director Review


VPR Director Approval
VPR Report

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