Building Authority

Real Estate Services Section

DBA Real Estate Services Section acts as the “leasing agent” for state agencies for their leasing needs in public or private facilities. The Section assists all state agencies in locating, negotiating and executing lease documents for the leasing of various types of real property throughout Arkansas.

From offices, classrooms, warehouses, records storage services and temporary modular units, the DBA Real Estate Services Section has the experience to provide state agencies with a wide variety of leasing options. A Request For Lease Action Form must be completed and submitted to the Section to begin the lease process.

Upon determining agency needs, the Section negotiates and approves all lease contracts, ensuring compliance with laws and rules including the Minimum Standards and Criteria (See Section 5). The Section will assist agencies in any lease amendments and notifications of expiration dates.

DBA Real Estate Services Section will assist agencies in the processes involving the sale and purchase of real property. Agencies should review the Purchase of Property Procedures or Sale of Land Procedures.

Please contact us for more information on our Section, for any tenant requests or real property-related questions at 501-682-1833 or:

501 Woodlane St., Suite 101N
Little Rock, AR 72201

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