About Us
The GIS Office coordinates the development, maintenance, and publication of geographic information across
Arkansas. This includes coordination with the city, county, state, federal, higher education, non-profit, and private sectors. The agency serves as the statutory keeper of municipal boundaries, election precincts, school districts, section, township and range locations, land survey plats, and state-certified corners.
Geographic and location-based information permeates governmental processes at all levels and across the spectrum of agencies. Geospatial data and geographic information systems technology provides a vehicle for presenting and analyzing the mission-specific datasets maintained by individual agencies. The GIS Office provides a means for many agencies to share data, reduce duplication, and collaborate more effectively.
Our office provides online access to over 400 geospatial data layers and resources via the Arkansas Spatial Data Infrastructure (ASDI) to every citizen in the state. Additionally, we provide services such as a statewide geocoding tool that allows specific, unique physical addresses to be located with a high precision level. This service is utilized by the Administrative Office of the Courts, Department of Higher Education, Department of Human Services, Department of Revenue, and others. We warehouse the statewide digital aerial imagery. We maintain and report the authoritative maps of cities’ municipal boundaries, election precincts, and school districts to the US Census Bureau. We provide annexation mapping services to cities. We consult and advise 911 coordinators in every county on mapping issues, and the map data are aggregated into the statewide production files. Similarly, we also consult and advise County Assessors on best practices for tax parcel mapping. Those datasets are likewise conveyed from county to state and published for our partner agencies and users. Each quarter we prepare the Streamlined Sales and Use Tax boundary file that governs the collection of the correct rates based on location.
The Division of Land Surveys administers two primary programs: the corner restoration program and the state’s survey plat archive. The Corner Restoration Program is designed to restore and maintain the official land survey monuments of Arkansas. Under this program, the agency provides the “Certified Corner” monument and signage used to mark these locations. The survey plat archive is a statutory program that requires any Surveyor in Arkansas to file survey plats with the Division, where they are archived and available for research and public inspection. This archive contains over 260,000 searchable records.
Promoting efficient development, maintenance, and distribution of Arkansas’ geographic information resources.
The Arkansas GIS Office provides efficient and reliable access to the state’s geospatial information resources for a broad range of stakeholders, including public sector as well as private sector stakeholders and academia. These vital resources include GIS data, survey plats, and aerial imagery for the state.
Coordination, leadership, education, innovation
Contact Us
Geographic Information Systems
Winthrop Rockefeller Building
501 Woodlane St, Ste G04
Little Rock, AR 72201
(501) 682-2767
[email protected]