Secretary’s Office


ARData strives to use data to help make Arkansas more efficient and effective. Using data-driven decision-making requires the ARData team to develop a continuous and routine problem-solving process.


Data-driven decision-making requires:
– A highfunctioning Statewide Longitudinal Data System (SLDS) with efficient data governance;
– The analytic capacity to use data to produce actionable insights; and
– A process to identify high-priority issue areas and use data to continuously improve.

The ARDATA team is working to build all three of these elements for the State of Arkansas. We are well on our way to developing a high-functioning SLDS and are now beginning to build analytic capacity and a process for continuous improvement.

Our strategy for building the state’s analytic capacity is threefold:
1. Build a small analytics team within state government that will operate as a shared service;
2. Work with state departments to develop internal analytics capacity; and
3. Collaborate with higher education institutions to leverage existing subject matter expertise (SME).

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