Information Systems


The following is a list of policies that articulate rules and regulations related to technology in the state of Arkansas. Please note that some of the listed policies are promulgated and others may be either approved or in draft form. Additional resources may also be provided to further your research.

 Microsoft Enterprise Agreement Governor’s Authorization Memo – PDFApprovedMicrosoft Enterprise Agreement FAQs – PDF
EO_15-26Executive Order to Establish the Governor’s Information Technology Oversight Council – PDFApproved 
SS-70-012Domain Name Service (DNS) Resolution – PDFPromulgated 10/1/2012 Resources
 Computer and Electronic Waste Management Policy  
 Computer Replacement Policy  
PS-34.Gov Subdomain Naming – PDFPromulgated 5/15/2005On-line request for URL
PS-33Project Management – PDFPromulgated
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