Customer Equipment
DIS Responsibilities
- All environmental and power systems are regularly maintained in accordance with support vendor and manufacturer recommendations. These actions include but are not limited to generator exercise runs, inspections and regular servicing, UPS inspections, fire suppression and smoke detection inspections and testing.
- All data center UPS are connected to on-site diesel generators to provide power in the event of a utility power failure.
- Up to two (2) 10-Gigabit Ethernet connections to DIS core network will be provided. These connections will be extended from the DIS Core Network to the designated rack location.
- Network to the designated rack location.
- Dual Fabric Storage Area Network (SAN) Fiber Channel connections for access to enterprise storage are available upon request.
- Subnet of IP addresses for use by customer
- Basic firewall services are also available
- Provide customer notification of planned data center maintenance activities, and notification of “out of normal” conditions that may impact customer equipment.
- DIS will provide 24×365 escorted access to the Data Center.
- During non-staffed hours DIS will dispatch personnel within 30 minutes of receipt of notification of request for facility access.
DIS Provided Racks
- Included as part of service offering
- DIS will provide a 42U rack, at State Data Center (SDC) – SDC West.
- Racks will be supplied with two in-rack Power Distribution Units (PDUs). Typical PDU configurations will provide (36) C13, (6) C19 & (2) 5-20 receptacles. Please note all connections are 208V, except the 5-20s which are 110V.
- Each PDU will be connected to a different UPS to provide dual power feeds.
- Racks will be secured with card key access control system.
For Customer Supplied Racks
- DIS will provide two (2) power feeds, one from each UPS.
Customer Responsibilities
- Notify the DIS Command Bridge @ 501-682-4905 to gain access to Data Center.
- Provide a list of personnel that will be authorized to work on customer equipment. Access lists must be updated twice per year. Access lists are valid from January – June and July – December.
- Customer is responsible for notifying the DIS Command Bridge @ 501-682-4905 for any urgent access list updates.
- All persons entering either data center will be required to provide government-issued photo ID prior to entry.
- Information about who to contact for issues related to the equipment.
- Provide DIS with electrical receptacle requirements in writing, 3-week minimum lead time, otherwise, the customer could incur manufacturer expedited fees.
- Provide all necessary in-rack network cabling.
- Provide all necessary in-rack power cabling.
The customer should expect a secure, environmentally friendly environment to host customer provided equipment. At the customer’s request, DIS may provide additional professional and technical resources such as Disaster Recovery, Project Management, Software Analysis, Server Management and Support, and Software Testing, to assist with management, requirements identification, implementation, problem resolution, and enhancement support. Such costs are not included in the rates associated with this service.