Information Systems

Enterprise Storage

Data is an organization’s most important asset in today’s digital age, and the amount of data to store and manage is growing daily. 

STS provides enterprise storage services based on best-of-breed storage technology from industry-leading vendors. It is based on an industry-proven architecture that is geographically redundant and is replicated in a secondary state data center. The solution provides all solid-state drive (SSD) storage, providing the highest IOPS and fastest response times. (NOTE: Currently, this storage is only available to servers running in the Intel/AIX-based virtualization environments. If there is a need for storage outside of these environments, please contact your DIS CRM.) 

Our legacy SAN storage service offers high availability and reliability by leveraging a fully redundant, geographically separated and replicated architecture for business-critical applications. It features enterprise-class storage arrays from industry-leading vendors. Connectivity to this storage is provided through high-speed (32Gb) Fiber Channel networks. This managed storage service is delivered on a per gigabyte model, so you pay only for what you need. 

Service features 

  • Next generation enabled architecture to deliver performance and consolidation of platforms 
  • Scale Up / Scale Out design to allow flexible expansion and centralized management of resources 
  • STS storage is all Flash NVMe 
  • Sized to support current and future workloads 
  • Servers connected to storage via redundant fabrics to avoid a single point of failure
  • Multi-pathing (MPIO) based failover from server to storage
  • Data-at-rest controller-based encryption encrypts stored data as it’s written to disk
  • Support for a wide array of operating systems and hardware platforms: IBM AIX, MS Windows, Linux, and VMware
  • Physically safe and secure, climate-controlled environment
  • 24x7x365 monitoring and storage management by trained, professional storage administrators

Storage & Backup Services

Enterprise Storage
Enterprise Backup

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