by Will Moclair, KNWA/Fox 24
March 22, 2022

“It’s really all about a team of a lot of people doing everything they can to make sure we’re protected,” says Jonathan Askins, chief technology officer for the Natural State.
President Joe Biden recently announced a cyber attack from Russia could be coming.
A cyber security agent with the Little Rock FBI says they’ll most likely target American business.
Askins says Arkansas businesses will be a target.
“We will be paying very close attention to our critical infrastructure. Things like the electric grid and those sorts of things,” says Askins.
We connected with Arvest Bank; it says it has all the systems in place to make sure customer information and money is safe.
“One of the best things that customers can do is monitor their account for suspicious activity,” says Gaye Wilcox.
The FBI says you should also be avoiding clicking on suspicious links, make sure all your operating systems are as up-to-date with software as they can be, and make your passwords as complex as possible.
Read the full article HERE.